Saturday, May 30, 2009

When I was born

In 1985 My mother had a son and two daughters.
It was a poor family. My parents were teacher with cheap salary.
Only salary they couldn't live. In that time they live in teacher dormitory.

I wil talk about how I was born.
When mother knew that she got pregnant, she was very anxious because she din't have enought money for reared children. So, she thought that she was going to interrupt.

It was my destiny?
The temperature was 6 or 7 degrees, My mother went to the doctor and talked about interrubtion.
Unfortunately the denied her about that, and told her come gain tomorrow.
She went back home and she startes scared, she thought that if have something mistake maybe she will die. so she didn't go to the doctor again.

I was born on August 1985 and my mother was sick she coundn't do anything even hold me.
Therefore my aunt took care of me and raised like her real child.


  1. ahhhh interesting i didn't know this about you!!
    One thing to fix... I you want to say 中絶 you can say ”My mother wanted to have an abortion"
    Aw kind of a sad story though... how old was your mother when she had you?

  2. 中絶 is "have an abortion" thank you Hoday.
    I don't know my mom's age. hamm... maybe 26 or 27 when she had me.


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